These three lightly notated compositions were not made to be part of a triptych, and are of different locations. While playing a game of mix and match, (looking for possible compositions), I found this combination wkich reminded me of the story of "the woman in the mountains."
      More than once, I have had my gaze directed, by a local, to a group of mountains called the "woman." Conclusively, men, from all ranges, are recipients of a common vision.
      In this randomly found juxtaposition, I recognized a reclining figure, with knees up, resembling the central figure in a painting of mine called "Toloache". I could'nt resist linking this body of work to that painting, and appropriately to the references made in that artwork.
      Every artist's work is like a game, played for a lifetime, defined by the rules that the artist makes, and breaks.

"The Woman in the Mountains"
egg tempera on watercolor block paper
triptych, 7 x 15 inches

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